Recently on 24 May, 15 students from Years 10 & 11 attended a Griffith University Ambassadors’ Workshop Day at Nathan campus.  The theme was ‘Power & Influence in Business’ and the students participated in a lecture and worked in groups together with other secondary colleges. Each group’s assignment was to discuss and prepare a role-play portraying a meeting between a HR Manager and Sales Manager and demonstrating the different types of ‘power’ expressed both in verbal and non-verbal (body language) communication. Each group’s role-play was then presented to the whole audience within the auditorium, and the Lecturers providing valuable feedback to each group.

This was a great opportunity for our senior students to experience university for a day. They all became ‘Ambassadors’ for Griffith and received gold badges to wear on their school blazers and have also received Certificates of Participation. On the bus journey home, there was an excited buzz amongst the students and a number expressed their comments afterward of how much they enjoyed this excursion and their positive experiences of the day. This was the second Workshop our College has participated in. We will be attending a further workshop with GriffithBUSINESS later in the year, which has already proved very popular with many students already registering their interest to attend.


Deborah Heis
Guidance Counsellor