On Saturday the 18 and 19 of July, The Australian International Islamic College held their annual community Iftar Dinner at the Gold Coast and Durack campuses respectively. Many families and community representatives attended the special events. Families from the college community helped to arrange a vast array of food ranging from salads and meats to pastries and desserts. There were special prayers and speeches. One of the Speeches made by Imam Mohammed expressed the importance of appreciating God’s Blessings during the month of Ramadan and how we can use these blessings to contribute productively to our Australian society.


It was a great opportunity to meet up with community members and welcome our new parents and staff to the AIIC family. Community representatives expressed their remarks and appreciation to the Australian International Islamic College for organizing such events that brings different communities together. P&C representatives expressed that the evening was a great night for the whole College community.

Furthermore, the College and the P&C would like to thank all of the community members who have contributed to this event. It is such a special time for our families and our children, as they feel so excited that they can be at College to share this special family event. We would like to especially thank all the AIIC teachers for their hard work in preparing for this evening and sharing in the occasion with us.
