Australian International Islamic College (AIIC) is a place for the development of the mind, for innovation and creativity, for inspiration and well-being and for the nurturing of the spirit. Preparation for the responsibility of leadership in science in future local and global communities. We as a teachers care about your child/ren who are available to listen and provide excellent role models. We believe they are leaders in learning, focused on providing the best possible educational environment in our College. As a part of our science curriculum every year our science department organizes science fair for our students during science week which provides them the amazing experience and opportunity to explore experimental knowledge and skills in science.
As a science teacher and operational coordinator I love to learn and encourage a love of learning in my students as well. Whether it be preparing to new experiments, discussing scientific ideas or practicing to gain new skills, we live in the age of information. This year alhamdulliah, we organized science incursion at Durack campus on 1st of August to encourage and motivate our students in the different areas of science. Our guest was from Liddell Education, Steve Liddell who is a professional science teacher and the founder of street science. Mr. Liddell demonstrated 12 different types of experiments and some of them are related to science week theme. It was really successful and helpful for us and students to organize our Science fair 2014 in the beginning of the term4.
Finally I would like to thank our Principal, Mrs Banwa and year 5B teacher Mrs Ghanem for supporting us to organize and successfully end of this event.
Dr Mohammad Islam – Operational Coordinator & Chemistry/Biology/Maths A Teacher