

Year 3 to Year 6

Upper Primary

At the Australian International Islamic College, our Upper Primary program, encompassing Year 3 to Year 6, epitomizes our dedication to nurturing not just the intellect and character of our students, but also their spiritual growth, in accordance with our deep-rooted Islamic values and traditions. 

As our students step into Year 3 and 4, they encounter a vibrant educational landscape where advanced Islamic studies, comprehensive literacy, and numeracy, and exploratory work in sciences, digital technologies, and the arts await them. This phase is pivotal in building upon their foundational knowledge and enhancing their understanding of the world around them. As they progress into Year 5 and 6, the curriculum evolves to meet deeper academic challenges, fostering critical thinking skills and preparing them for the rigors of secondary education. Our goal is to arm our students with the necessary skills, knowledge, and Islamic values to confidently navigate their future academic and personal journeys. 

Curriculum Goals: Crafting a Balanced and Dynamic Learning Environment

Our curriculum is thoughtfully crafted to instill an appreciation of Islamic values, foster a nurturing and engaging learning environment, and develop critical thinking and independent problem-solving skills. We emphasize the importance of literacy and numeracy while seamlessly integrating technology to enhance learning experiences. Our approach is to offer real-world connected, meaningful learning experiences and provide regular, constructive feedback to celebrate and guide student progress. 

Year 3: Expanding Horizons and Deepening Connections

In Year 3, students begin to apply their learning in more complex ways, deepening their connection with Islamic studies and advancing their academic skills across various subjects, including English, Mathematics, Science, and the Arts. The curriculum is designed to challenge their growing abilities and ignite their curiosity. 

Year 4: Laying the Groundwork for Upper Primary Success

Year 4 is a crucial year where students engage with advanced concepts in all subjects. The curriculum is geared towards enhancing their capabilities and preparing them for the upper primary years. It encompasses a wide range of subjects, each designed to deepen their understanding and skills. 

Year 5: Fostering Independence and Deepening Academic Proficiency

In Year 5, students transition to becoming more independent learners. The curriculum focuses on delving deeper into core subjects, fostering critical thinking, and beginning to prepare students for the transition to advanced study, thereby deepening their academic proficiency. 

Year 6: Preparing for the Future

Year 6 represents the culmination of primary education at AIIC, focusing on consolidating learning and preparing students for secondary education. The curriculum emphasizes mastering key concepts and skills across all subjects, equipping students with the tools they need for their next academic phase. 



kindergarten to Year 2

At the Australian International Islamic College, our Lower Primary program, encompassing Kindergarten to Year 2, is a testament to our commitment to nurturing the whole child – academically, spiritually, and socially – in harmony with our cherished Islamic values and traditions. 



Providing a Conducive and Enriching Environment​

Middle Years (Years 7-10): As students transition to higher grades, the curriculum becomes more rigorous, with an emphasis on critical thinking, problem-solving, and applying Islamic teachings in everyday life. 

Senior Years (Years 11-12): Preparing students for their future, our senior curriculum focuses on academic excellence, leadership skills, and a deep understanding of Islamic principles, equipping them for tertiary education and beyond.