AIIC Senior Boys Win Brisbane Schools Futsal Challenge
In week 6 of term 3, AIIC competed in the Brisbane Futsal Challenge tournament, held at the Brisbane Futsal Centre in Oxley. Entering a junior team (U/14) and a Senior Team (U/16), the boys were playing against Marsden State High School, Grace Lutheran College Caboolture, Wisdom College Algester, Redeemer Lutheran College, Shailer Park State High […]
Science Day @ Durack
Our science day event for primary and secondary students was an opportunity for students to showcase their experiments and perform live demonstrations to their peers and staff. The projects were a reflection on the topic’s students have been learning throughout the term which paralleled with National Science Week theme “Destination Moon – more missions, more […]
BRIDGE Exchange

An inaugural achievement for Australian International Islamic College as AIIC were selected to participate in the Building Relationships through Intercultural Dialogue and Growing Engagement (BRIDGE). Nine schools across Australia were given the opportunity to undertake Professional Learning in Jakarta, along with being paired with an Indonesian school. AIIC is fortunate enough to share and collaborate […]

Recently our teachers from all campuses participated in a STEM/STEAM professional development workshop facilitated by Ralph Pirozzo the Director and Founder of Promoting Learning International. The intensive workshop focused on various teaching techniques to enhance STEM/STEAM student’s engagement and participation. These included; 36 Thinking skills, so students can “Think -outside-of-the box” 50 Cooperative Learning Activities, […]
Hajj Incursion
Our Hajj incursion will once again take part where students from all grade levels will actively participate in performing the rituals of Hajj this includes performing the Tawaaf, a tour to Mina, Arafat and many more. Durack and City campus will be holding their Hajj Incursion Wednesday 7th August 2019. Thursday the 8th of August […]
Student of the Month @ Durack | August

Students in both primary and secondary were recognised for their efforts and were awarded Student of the Month. Student of the Month is an opportunity for students to model our core values and apply them inside and outside of the classroom. Special guests Jim Bellos and Nasra from Queensland Police Service did the honours of […]
Durack Fete

Durack campus held their 17th annual fete over the weekend. It was a time to unwind from the usual school activities and be part of the fun. With the many international delicacies that was on offer, and entertainment from our talented girls nasheed group had the audience amazed by their harmonious performance of Maher Zain […]
Gold Coast Campus Fete

On the 27th of July Carrara Campus held their 17th Annual Fete which featured a number of food and small business stalls. With beautiful weather, rides and arts and craft for the families to enjoy made the event more memorable. Special thanks to all the wonderful stall holders for supporting our event. Go to Gold […]
AIIC Year 12 Post – School Destination 2018

Alhamdulilah, we are proud of the success our class of 2018, year twelve students have achieved. 92.3% of our former students are currently enrolled in tertiary education. Outlined below in the graph is a breakdown of tertiary institutions our students are enrolled in 2019.
17th annual Quran competition @ Durack
A splendid effort to start the holy month. The Australian International Islamic College conducted its 17th annual Quran recitation competition at its Durack campus on 30th April and 1st May 2019. The two day program was attended by students, teachers, parents and many members from the wider community. The students’ reading was judged by the […]