Safety on the Internet, Bullying, Cyberbullying

At Durack Campus, in February two presentations were held for students in Years 3 – 12 by Jonny Shannon, a school motivational speaker, who addressed students on safety on the internet, bullying, cyberbullying, and how to be a good friend. The students thoroughly enjoyed Jonny’s sense of humour, animation and the clear message he shared […]
Griffith University Excursion

Recently, on 14 March, 11 Durack Campus students from Years 10, 11 & 12 attended Griffith University Ambassadors’ Workshop Day at Nathan campus. The theme was ‘Design Thinking & Entrepreneurship’ and the students participated in a lecture and worked in groups with other secondary colleges. They each presented their entrepreneurial ideas to the whole group, […]
Go Purple For Purpose Day

Purple is the colour for International Women’s Day (March 8th) Our College celebrated this event by ‘going Purple for a Purpose’. We held a gold coin donation/purple ribbon day on Friday, March 9. To raise donation funds for YWCA Queensland – a charity organisation that supports women and girls through 3 corners tones of empowerment […]
Harmony Day @ Durack Campus

On Wednesday the 21st of March A.I.I.C. celebrated Harmony Day with a focus on this year’s theme of ‘Racism No Way!’ A special assembly was held to mark the day. Mrs Banwa, our principal, in her opening address sent a strong message of “Everyone Belongs”. The students thoroughly enjoyed the morning assembly which included presentations […]
Student Leader Induction Ceremony 2018

On Monday, 12th February and Friday 16 February respectively, the 2018 Student Leaders, Student Council representatives and Captains from the Australian International Islamic College (Durack and Carrara Campus) were officially inducted into their leadership positions. Present at the special ceremony were the entire student body, staff, invited parents and family members. Our principal, Mrs Mariam […]
Durack Campus Jalsa
Australian International Islamic College – Annual Jalsa 2017 A Great showcase of the Islamic abilities of our students by Imam Mohammed Sharif This year our Jalsa was a great success. It has been, yet another milestone in the educational services of AIIC. The program took place on Friday the 10th of November, 2017. AIIC aims […]
Book Week 2017 @ Durack

This year, students at the Australian International Islamic College participated in 2 weeks of festivities to celebrate Book Week 2017. This year’s theme was ‘Escape to Everywhere’ which aimed to stimulate children’s imaginations and encourage them to journey to mystical worlds and far-away lands. The Teacher-Librarian, Mrs. Zeenat Mohammed showcased a range of CBCA’s shortlisted […]
Hajj Incursion

Performing Hajj once in a lifetime is obligatory on every Muslim male and female. This means after having the means to go for the Hajj pilgrimage, one is not allowed to ignore the performance of holy Hajj. Hajj has a unique place in the practice of worship as it brings a large number of believers […]
Durack Campus College Fete 2017

Fete time is time to have fun at school and what a day! On Saturday 29 July AIIC held its annual College fete where there was something for everyone. The fete started with a short formal program, a recitation from the Qu’ran by Abdul Khaliq. The College’s Nasheed group in their smart outfits […]
Regional Titration Comp Winners 2017

The annual R.A.C.I. Queensland Regional Titration Competition was held at Griffith University (Nathan Campus) on Saturday 3 June 2017 and Australian International Islamic College (A.I.I.C) entered two teams. The six year 11 and 12 Chemistry students who entered were Kushida Binti Mohd Ayub, Sara Ahmed, Rumana Akter, Saimur Rahman Siam, Ayub Khalif (Year 12) and […]