STEM Grand Opening
After 10 months of construction yesterday was a significant day for AIIC marking a historic milestone as they officially unveiled the completed Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths Building (STEM). STEM Institute will be an integral part at AIIC, giving students the opportunity to be well equipped with the necessary skills of tomorrow. On behalf […]
Year 12 graduands for 2019
The Year 12 graduands of the Australian International Islamic College celebrated one of their most significant milestones at the Calamvale Hotel. It was an occasion to acknowledge the efforts of the students, staff and parents. Students Umme Kulsum, Sepehr Omidi and Hassan Ramazani were the Masters of Ceremony for the evening. Certificates of subject achievement […]
Robotic Challenge
Gold Coast campus Year 5 & 6 students participated in the ‘Robotic Challenge’ organized by Upper Coomera State School and the event was held at Dreamworld. AIIC came in 6th position out of 30 teams. The school has been participating in this challenge since 2017. The Robotic club meets every Monday during lunch with Mrs […]

Sadiya Ismail Steals the Show at the UN International Day of Peace Lecture
Following her successful presentation of her poem, “Lost”, at the UNAA Youth Voice on Peace, Justice and Climate Action Workshop, Sadiya Ismail was invited by Just Peace Australia to present her inspiring words at the International Day of Peace Lecture held on Saturday 21 September 2019. The setting of the event was the stunning St. […]
UNAA Youth Voice on Peace, Justice & Climate Action Workshop
On Wednesday 14 August 2019 ten of our students joined 40 other students from schools around Queensland for a workshop organised by United Nations Association of Australia Queensland. The purpose of the workshop was to focus on two of the UN Sustainable Development Goals for Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions and for urgent action on […]
Jessica Pugh MP Visit To Durack Campus
Jessica Pugh MP for Mt Ommaney delighted us with her presence visiting our school Tuesday 10th September and addressed our secondary students during assembly. Staff and students presented a certificate of appreciation for the generous contribution from the Queensland Government which went towards our STEM building. Jess toured our existing science room and the new […]
Brisbane Lord Mayor Visit To AIIC
On Thursday the 5th September we had the privilege and honour to welcome The Right, The Honourable Councillor Adrian Schrinner Lord Mayor of Brisbane and Councillor Krista Adams for an exclusive private tour of our STEM building. Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner addressed and thanked the audience for the invitation and briefly discussed the importance of […]
Book Week
It was book mania for two weeks from the 19th – 30th August at AIIC. This year’s theme was ‘Reading is my Secret Power” but we decided to alter the theme to “Reading is my Super Power” to encourage students to develop a keen interest in reading. We hosted several fun activities for students to […]
AIIC Wins Bachar Houli Cup (AFL)
The Bachar Houli Cup is an initiative by Richmond AFL star Bachar Houli which encourages the participation in AFL by young Muslims in Australia. The day started with both AIIC Durack and AIIC Gold Coast meeting at CJ Greenfield Park, the home of westside AFL. After an introduction by head coach Sally Young, the athletes […]
AIIC Senior Boys Win Brisbane Schools Futsal Challenge
In week 6 of term 3, AIIC competed in the Brisbane Futsal Challenge tournament, held at the Brisbane Futsal Centre in Oxley. Entering a junior team (U/14) and a Senior Team (U/16), the boys were playing against Marsden State High School, Grace Lutheran College Caboolture, Wisdom College Algester, Redeemer Lutheran College, Shailer Park State High […]
Science Day @ Durack
Our science day event for primary and secondary students was an opportunity for students to showcase their experiments and perform live demonstrations to their peers and staff. The projects were a reflection on the topic’s students have been learning throughout the term which paralleled with National Science Week theme “Destination Moon – more missions, more […]

BRIDGE Exchange
An inaugural achievement for Australian International Islamic College as AIIC were selected to participate in the Building Relationships through Intercultural Dialogue and Growing Engagement (BRIDGE). Nine schools across Australia were given the opportunity to undertake Professional Learning in Jakarta, along with being paired with an Indonesian school. AIIC is fortunate enough to share and collaborate […]

Recently our teachers from all campuses participated in a STEM/STEAM professional development workshop facilitated by Ralph Pirozzo the Director and Founder of Promoting Learning International. The intensive workshop focused on various teaching techniques to enhance STEM/STEAM student’s engagement and participation. These included; 36 Thinking skills, so students can “Think -outside-of-the box” 50 Cooperative Learning Activities, […]
Hajj Incursion
Our Hajj incursion will once again take part where students from all grade levels will actively participate in performing the rituals of Hajj this includes performing the Tawaaf, a tour to Mina, Arafat and many more. Durack and City campus will be holding their Hajj Incursion Wednesday 7th August 2019. Thursday the 8th of August […]

Student of the Month @ Durack | August
Students in both primary and secondary were recognised for their efforts and were awarded Student of the Month. Student of the Month is an opportunity for students to model our core values and apply them inside and outside of the classroom. Special guests Jim Bellos and Nasra from Queensland Police Service did the honours of […]

Durack Fete
Durack campus held their 17th annual fete over the weekend. It was a time to unwind from the usual school activities and be part of the fun. With the many international delicacies that was on offer, and entertainment from our talented girls nasheed group had the audience amazed by their harmonious performance of Maher Zain […]

Gold Coast Campus Fete
On the 27th of July Carrara Campus held their 17th Annual Fete which featured a number of food and small business stalls. With beautiful weather, rides and arts and craft for the families to enjoy made the event more memorable. Special thanks to all the wonderful stall holders for supporting our event. Go to Gold […]

AIIC Year 12 Post – School Destination 2018
Alhamdulilah, we are proud of the success our class of 2018, year twelve students have achieved. 92.3% of our former students are currently enrolled in tertiary education. Outlined below in the graph is a breakdown of tertiary institutions our students are enrolled in 2019.
17th annual Quran competition @ Durack
A splendid effort to start the holy month. The Australian International Islamic College conducted its 17th annual Quran recitation competition at its Durack campus on 30th April and 1st May 2019. The two day program was attended by students, teachers, parents and many members from the wider community. The students’ reading was judged by the […]

Anzac Day Commemoration
On 24th April 2019, the Australian International Islamic College commemorated ANZAC Day. We were honored to have Mr Peter Mapp from the Returned & Services League of Australia (RSL). He mentioned the pride he feels when he attends the ANZAC Day commemoration at AIIC, the positive friendships and comradery he witnesses between students and staff, […]

Recognition of Leadership and Community Services of AIIC Students
The Australian International Islamic College (AIIC) students in 2018 participated in the Australian Muslim Youth Leadership Association (AMYLA) recognition program, which included all Islamic schools across Australia. Several AIIC students have been awarded with recognition for their outstanding leadership and community services. Student Leader of the Year 2018 Fatema Noor AIIC’s student captain for 2018, […]
Soccer Master Class comes to Durack
Jade North (ex Socceroo and Brisbane Roar player) came to our College and ran football clinics to our boys and girls in Yr 7-9. It was a fantastic experience for students involved as they completed a skill warm up and played some fun games. There was also a Q & A session where they asked […]

Write4fun @ City Campus
Our students participated in the Short Story writing competition organised by Write4fun. I am pleased to inform you that all the students (Year 3 -6) who took part in competition have received an Achievement Award in recognition of successfully completing the first round of judging. They all have been offered the opportunity of having their […]

Durack Campus Fete 2018
At Durack on Saturday 3 August, the Australian International Islamic College held its annual fete, followed by another fete on Saturday 18 August at the Gold Coast campus in Carrara – we have been extremely busy! Both events were blessed with beautiful winter sunshine and wonderful support from members of the community. Stall holders set […]

Excursion to University of Queensland
Our senior students from Years 11 and 12 recently visited the University of Queensland (UQ) at St. Lucia campus as part of a school engagement experience with the university. The students were divided into two groups and given a tour of the campus by two current third-year UQ students, before all meeting again in a […]

Griffith University Ambassadors’ Workshop Day
Recently on 24 May, 15 students from Years 10 & 11 attended a Griffith University Ambassadors’ Workshop Day at Nathan campus. The theme was ‘Power & Influence in Business’ and the students participated in a lecture and worked in groups together with other secondary colleges. Each group’s assignment was to discuss and prepare a role-play […]

Qur’an Recitation Competition @ Gold Coast Campus
On the 3rd of May, the AIIC Gold Coast Campus held its 9th Annual Qur’an Recitation Competition at the campus Multipurpose hall for junior and high school students. A total of 142 students participated in the competition under the following four categories: Prep- Years 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and Years 8-10. The Qur’an […]

Healthy Breakfast Poster Making Competition
Last term, the AIIC (Australian International Islamic College) Breakfast Club organised a Healthy Breakfast Poster-Making Competition for students from year 1 to 6. The aim of the competition was to drive home the message of healthy eating to primary school students. The AIIC Breakfast Club is an initiative of ‘Brothers in Need’, a charity group […]

Lest We Forget On Tuesday, 24th April, Australian International Islamic College celebrated ANZAC Day commemoration ceremony. Students, parents and all staff members showed their respect to honor the service and sacrifice of the original ANZACs, and the generations of Australian servicemen and women who have defended Australia’s values and freedom, in wars, conflict and peace […]

Safety on the Internet, Bullying, Cyberbullying
At Durack Campus, in February two presentations were held for students in Years 3 – 12 by Jonny Shannon, a school motivational speaker, who addressed students on safety on the internet, bullying, cyberbullying, and how to be a good friend. The students thoroughly enjoyed Jonny’s sense of humour, animation and the clear message he shared […]

Griffith University Excursion
Recently, on 14 March, 11 Durack Campus students from Years 10, 11 & 12 attended Griffith University Ambassadors’ Workshop Day at Nathan campus. The theme was ‘Design Thinking & Entrepreneurship’ and the students participated in a lecture and worked in groups with other secondary colleges. They each presented their entrepreneurial ideas to the whole group, […]

Go Purple For Purpose Day
Purple is the colour for International Women’s Day (March 8th) Our College celebrated this event by ‘going Purple for a Purpose’. We held a gold coin donation/purple ribbon day on Friday, March 9. To raise donation funds for YWCA Queensland – a charity organisation that supports women and girls through 3 corners tones of empowerment […]

Harmony Day @ Durack Campus
On Wednesday the 21st of March A.I.I.C. celebrated Harmony Day with a focus on this year’s theme of ‘Racism No Way!’ A special assembly was held to mark the day. Mrs Banwa, our principal, in her opening address sent a strong message of “Everyone Belongs”. The students thoroughly enjoyed the morning assembly which included presentations […]

Student Leader Induction Ceremony 2018
On Monday, 12th February and Friday 16 February respectively, the 2018 Student Leaders, Student Council representatives and Captains from the Australian International Islamic College (Durack and Carrara Campus) were officially inducted into their leadership positions. Present at the special ceremony were the entire student body, staff, invited parents and family members. Our principal, Mrs Mariam […]
Durack Campus Jalsa
Australian International Islamic College – Annual Jalsa 2017 A Great showcase of the Islamic abilities of our students by Imam Mohammed Sharif This year our Jalsa was a great success. It has been, yet another milestone in the educational services of AIIC. The program took place on Friday the 10th of November, 2017. AIIC aims […]

Book Week 2017 @ Durack
This year, students at the Australian International Islamic College participated in 2 weeks of festivities to celebrate Book Week 2017. This year’s theme was ‘Escape to Everywhere’ which aimed to stimulate children’s imaginations and encourage them to journey to mystical worlds and far-away lands. The Teacher-Librarian, Mrs. Zeenat Mohammed showcased a range of CBCA’s shortlisted […]

Hajj Incursion
Performing Hajj once in a lifetime is obligatory on every Muslim male and female. This means after having the means to go for the Hajj pilgrimage, one is not allowed to ignore the performance of holy Hajj. Hajj has a unique place in the practice of worship as it brings a large number of believers […]

Durack Campus College Fete 2017
Fete time is time to have fun at school and what a day! On Saturday 29 July AIIC held its annual College fete where there was something for everyone. The fete started with a short formal program, a recitation from the Qu’ran by Abdul Khaliq. The College’s Nasheed group in their smart outfits […]

Regional Titration Comp Winners 2017
The annual R.A.C.I. Queensland Regional Titration Competition was held at Griffith University (Nathan Campus) on Saturday 3 June 2017 and Australian International Islamic College (A.I.I.C) entered two teams. The six year 11 and 12 Chemistry students who entered were Kushida Binti Mohd Ayub, Sara Ahmed, Rumana Akter, Saimur Rahman Siam, Ayub Khalif (Year 12) and […]

Annual Family Fun Night @ Durack Campus
Our Family Fun Night was held on Saturday, 20 May 2017 at the Durack Campus. I extend my heartfelt thanks to all families’ friends, community members, staff and students for the tremendous support received. The evening was a huge success and it was wonderful to see everyone participate and enjoy the activities planned. We had […]

15th Annual Qur’an Recitation Competition, 2017
Qur’an gets celebrated All praise is due to Allah, The most Gracious, The Most Merciful We have had the opportunity to conduct our annual Qua’an recitation competition on the 16th and 17th May 2017, Alhamdulillah. Students from both the Primary and Secondary classes competed in this event. Around 175 students gave confident and beautiful recitations from […]

Our Chemistry Students @ Pharmaceutical Company
Chemistry is such an important and relevant area to study that leads to fulfilling careers across a whole spectrum of industries. Study Chemistry at Australian International Islamic College (AIIC) and you will join a vibrant, dynamic classroom with an enviable reputation for its study plans, placing AIIC in the most improved Secondary College in Australia […]
ANZAC Day 2017
Lest We Forget Australian International Islamic College held their annual ANZAC Day Commemoration Ceremony on 24 April 2017. The college was honoured to have special guests Mr Peter James Mapp and Mr Gregory Abood from the RSL – Darra. Mr. Mapp gave the students and staff a very heart-felt speech. The college Principal, Mrs […]
What Harmony day means at AIIC?
Last Tuesday, 21 March saw the Australian International Islamic College (AIIC) celebrating its annual Harmony Day which coincided with the National Day of Action Against Bullying and Violence. It was a day of cultural exchange, awareness and appreciation. Flags and posters of different countries decorated the hall. Students who came dressed in their ethnic attire […]

AIIC, the most improved Secondary Australian school in 2016
The nation’s divide over school rankings – The Australian 1st October 2016 The most improved secondary school is Queensland’s Australian international Islamic College. NSW and Victoria dominate the Your School rankings of the top performing primary and secondary schools. NSW has 55 primary schools in the top 100, with 30 of the schools privately run. […]

Durack College Fete
The sun shone and stall holders set up early for the expected crowds, for Sunday 28 August marked the annual AIIC fete. It was great to welcome family, friends and neighbours to our college. Throughout the day people arrived and enjoyed the formal welcome program, shopping, rides, games and food on offer. The College’s Nasheed […]

Well Done! Thank You Year 1 teachers
Literacy Planet Word Mania Challenge Year Ones receive 2nd place in Brisbane Metro Region The Literacy Word Mania challenge is a word building competition that encourages students to build as many words using random 15 Alphabet letters combinations. This completion was open to students from our campus from Year 1 to Year 6. The Year […]

Kindergarten Open Day
Deciding on what Kindergarten to send your child is often a primary educational choice which parents are faced with. Our Kindergarten Open Day provided parents/carers with the opportunity to explore our Kindergarten, meet our teachers, ask questions and get information to help make an informed decision. SMILES and happy faces outshone the overcast weather during […]

AIIC @ Multicultural Education Expo, Griffith University
Australian International Islamic college participated in the Multicultural Education Expo held on the 27th of August, 2016 at Griffith University (Nathan Campus). We cherished the opportunity to learn about the many ways in which Queensland schools, organizations and individuals are working towards building community cohesion through the medium of education. Our college Nasheed group did […]

Eid ul Fitr Celebrations @ Durack Campus
To mark the end of the Holy month of Ramadhan, the Australian International Islamic College held its Eid ul Fitr celebrations at the Durack Campus. The Eid message was delivered by Imam Shehzad Khan in which he stressed the importance of forgiving each other’s shortcomings. The Khutbah was conveyed by Imam Mohammed Azhari whose main […]

Iftar Dinners @ Durack & Gold Coast
On the 24th June, The Australian International Islamic College held its annual community Iftar Dinner at the Gold Coast and Durack campuses respectively. Many community representatives from both government and non-government organizations attended the special events. The student council and college leaders organized the event and saw it through to the very end, assisting with […]

Durack New Administration Building Soil Turning Ceremony
Australian International Islamic College community conducted the soil turning ceremony to mark the beginning of its state of the art administration building, on Wednesday, 15 June 2016. The Principal Mrs Banwa opened the ceremony by thanking Allah (S.W.T) for blessings on the College followed by a beautiful Dua by Imam Yusuf Taqafi. Symbolic soil turning […]

Family Fun Night @ Durack
On Saturday, 21st May 2016 the Australian International Islamic College hosted another successful Family Fun Night. It all began well before 4pm with teachers and staff frantically organizing a fun-filled evening. There were beautiful stage decorations, chilled drinks for those who needed it and warm coffee and tea to drink while we chatted with family […]

14th Annual Qur’an Recitation Competition
Australian International Islamic College witnessed another successful annual Qur’an recitation competition held over two days. While primary classes from preparatory to year 6 had their reading sessions on Tuesday, the 26th of April, the secondary students from year 7 to year 10 had their sessions completed on Wednesday, the 27th of April. Apart from the […]

Anzac Commemoration Ceremony
On Friday the 22nd of April our school had our Anzac day Celebration this was the finale of our Anzac day activities where students from years 6-12 student council went into the city of Brisbane and participated in Anzac ceremonies at Anzac Square. During the week the school students were involved in making a large […]

Official Opening of Preparatory and Library Buildings
The opening ceremony of state-of-the-art library and preparatory building was held at the Australian International Islamic College (AIIC) on the 10th of March 2016 in the College Multi-Purpose Hall. The guests in attendance for the event included Senator Joanna Lindgren – representing the Commonwealth Government of Australia, Councillor Angela Owen-Taylor, Councillor Milton Dick, Mr. Brett […]

Samford Valley Steiner School visits AIIC
On Wednesday the 19th of August 2015, the Australian International Islamic College was fortunate to host Year 11 students from the Samford Valley Steiner School. The purpose of the visit was to bring awareness of key Islamic beliefs, practices and what it means to be a Muslim in today’s world. The students witnessed practical aspects […]

AIIC 13th Annual College Fete
The Australian International Islamic College held its 13th Annual College Fete on Saturday, 8 August 2015. Each year our Fete is a huge community event and a great opportunity for everyone to come together and celebrate. The variety of stalls and activities throughout the day kept the crowds flowing in. The weather was wonderful and […]

Golden Boot Award
AIIC has won the Golden Boot Award challenge for the highest percentage of students using public transport for June. I would like to thank our dedicated and hardworking Principal, teachers, parents and staff who are always helping to make this program successful. I also would like to take the opportunity to thank our wonderful and […]

National walk safely to School Day
The 16th annual National Walk Safely to School Day was held Friday 22 May 2015. Our primary school children, along with their parents, carers and teachers were encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. This year, Australian International Islamic College primary students and teachers were participated for the first time in this event and […]

Family Fun Night @ Durack Campus
Wow! What an exciting and fun filled night at the college on 23rd May, 2015. Families and friends of AIIC gathered for a wonderful evening of activities organised for all ages. Glow sticks, face painting, kid’s movies, find the treasure stall, lots of lollies and “make a mask” activities kept us all busy until the […]

The 13th Annual Quran Recitation Competition
In an effort to encourage our students to recite the Holy Quran, the Australian International Islamic College (Durack Campus) organised its 13th annual Quran Recitation Competition – 2015 at AIIC’s multipurpose hall. The competition was held on Tuesday the 28th of April for prep to Yr 6 and on Wednesday the 29th for the high […]

AIIC Students at ANZAC Day Student Commemoration Ceremony
This year marks the centenary of ANZAC Day and the Australian International Islamic College was fortunate enough to be chosen to represent all the Brisbane students for theh ANZAC Day student commemoration ceremony at ANZAC Square. It was a great honour to be a part of the commemoration ceremony on the 23rd April 2015. Three […]

Ground-Breaking Ceremony
The ground-breaking ceremony was held at Australian International Islamic College (AIIC) on the 9th of April 2015 to officially signify the start of the construction of state-of-the-art library and preparatory building. The guests in attendance for the event included Mr. Duncan Pegg MP – representing the Premier of Queensland, Councillor Angela Owen-Taylor, Dr. Grant Watson […]

Year 5/6 Soccer Team
The Soccer team at A.I.I.C are undefeated and done really well with winning four games in a row. Along the way there were times when it looked like they couldn’t score but at the end of each match they were victorious. Nasur (5) and Latif (5) scored majority of the goals alongside other players such […]

Clean up Australia Day
On Friday 27th February, the students of AIIC took a session of from their timetable to clean up an area in the school. Each class adopted an area to clean. Wearing our cleaning gloves and helpful hands, we picked up rubbish and unwanted items which we found around the school. We also discussed the importance […]
First Active School Travel Day At AIIC
The Launch of Australian International Islamic College Active School Travel program on Wednesday 18th March 2015. Breakfast is provided to the students who travel actively to the school. This year, the Australian International Islamic College has been selected as one of 16 new schools joining Brisbane City Council’s Active School Travel program. Active School Travel […]

Biology Excursion at TRI
I would like to take the opportunity to thank our community specially the parents who have entrusted us to teach their children at the Australian International Islamic College. Alhamdulillah, we have got such wonderful students in Biology who are very keen to learn the subject. I also would like to thank Translational Research Institute, a […]

Launch of Active School Travel Program at AIIC
We would like to thank Brisbane city council for giving us the opportunity to join the active school travel program 2015. To start the program off, Brisbane City Council’s Active School Travel performers Roadstar, Red and Green have visited our school assembly to explain the Active School Travel program on Monday, 9 March 2015 and […]

2015 Bendigo Bank Community Scholarship winner
We would like to congratulate Shamsuddoha Shameem (Year 12, 2014) who has been awarded 2015 Bendigo Bank Scholarship. Currently he is studying Bachelor of Engineering at the University of Queensland.

AIIC Student Leaders for 2015
Students at Australian International Islamic College were inducted as school leaders at the combined assembly on Monday. They were presented with their badges to acknowledge the roles each one would play as leaders. The Principal, Mariam Banwa congratulated all student leaders and encouraged them to demonstrate leadership in their words as well as their actions. […]

Year 12 Graduation
Year 12 Graduation formal dinner night at Michael’s Oriental Restaurant Brisbane 20 November 2014. See more pictures here in photo gallery. Address delivered by Imam Abdul Quddoos Al-Azhari Honourable Bernie Ripoll Federal MP, Respected Councillor Angela-Owen Taylor, Ms Mariana Lane of Independent Schools Qld, Board Members and Trustees, Jim Bellos Police Liaison Officer, Respected Principal, […]

The students at Durack campus took part in the annual writing competition this year. Masha Allah – we had many wonderful entries and the English department would like to congratulate all the students who submitted their entries in 2014. There were a lot of creative stories and poems to choose from and the decision making […]

Qld Regional Chemical Analysis (Titration) Competition – 2014
Congratulations! The Titration competition winners.

Nasheed group perfoms at multi-faith dinner
Queensland Cultural Diversity Week Multi-Faith Leaders Dinner 2014 On the 1st September AIIC Durack Campus Nasheed group presented the National Anthem at the multicultural dinner organised by the Police Department and held at the Greek Community Centre, South Brisbane. This dinner featured events during the QLD Cltural Diversity Week celebrations from 30th August until 7th […]

Results of the UNSW ICAS 2014
Congratulations to Abdul-Khaliq Lim Parfitt from Year 3 – Distinction in Computer Skills as well as Credits in Science and Spelling. Amaan Yousaf from Year 4 – Distinction in Science and a Credit in Computer Skills. Jasmin Asifiwe from Year 5 – Distinction in Spelling.
AIIC 12th Annual College Fete
On the 30th of August 2014, Australian International Islamic College held its 12th Annual Fete at Durack Campus with great success. The fete aimed to raise funds for the school as well as charity. It was a wonderful community event and involved not only teachers and students but various members of the community hosting stalls. […]

Eid ul Fitr 1435
The joyous occasion of Eid ul Fitr was celebrated at the Australian International Islamic College marking the end of the blessed month of Ramamdhan on the 29th of July 2014. Muslims from across Brisbane came to share this special occasion. Imam Shehzad Khan briefed the congregation on our responsibilities as an Ummah. Imam Mohammed Azhari […]
Science Incursion
Australian International Islamic College (AIIC) is a place for the development of the mind, for innovation and creativity, for inspiration and well-being and for the nurturing of the spirit. Preparation for the responsibility of leadership in science in future local and global communities. We as a teachers care about your child/ren who are available to […]

Iftar at AIIC Colleges
On Saturday the 18 and 19 of July, The Australian International Islamic College held their annual community Iftar Dinner at the Gold Coast and Durack campuses respectively. Many families and community representatives attended the special events. Families from the college community helped to arrange a vast array of food ranging from salads and meats to […]
Anzac Day @ AIIC
On Tuesday, 23rd of April 2014, the school captains and student council represented our college at the Anzac Square memorial to participate in the ANZAC commemoration services held by the Queensland Government. Students participated in the wreath laying ceremony at the memorial in remembrance of the ANZAC soldiers. Our students presented themselves very well. […]
Cross Country 2014
Another festive day for our college. Teams Yellow, Green, Blue and Red. Students participated with their colours cheering their team mates on. All college years competed and the overall winner for this year was the Red team. More Pictures in Photo Gallery.
Harmony Day 2014
Each year Australian International Islamic College celebrates Harmony and Multi-cultural Day and this year was no exception. The slogan for Harmony Day is “Everyone belongs” and at AIIC everyone belongs in our family, we come from many different countries, speak many languages yet come together to learn and praise Allah (SWT). No school uniform […]

Induction of College Leaders
It was indeed a great pleasure to badge our senior students at our Monday morning assembly. These students include the year 11 and 12 students. We wish them every success in their senior schooling. We inducted our college captains for both primary and secondary. We have some very promising representatives and we hope that their […]

Gold Coast Campus Grand Opening of new Facilities
The college celebrated the official opening of its multipurpose hall, 4 new classrooms and a new car park at the Carrara Campus, Gold Coast. The honourable John Paul Langbroek , Minister of Education opened the multipurpose hall. Other distinguished guests included Councillor Lex Bell, Dr. Grant Watson from Block Grant Authority, Dr. Alex Douglas, Member […]
Read? Challenge accepted!
As with previous years, AIIC participated in the 2013 edition of the (QLD) Premier’s Reading Challenge. Students from Prep to Year 6 represented the school in this initiative to encourage students to develop a love of reading for life. Through the challenge students were given an opportunity to further develop their appreciation of the English […]
Here’s to All Our Teachers!
World Teachers’ Day is held internationally on 5 October. As the day usually falls during school holidays, Queensland celebrates it on the last Friday of October each year. Year 8 student Sumaiyah Gedik created this lovely presentation dedicated to all the Teachers at the Durack College.
Australian Maths Competition 2013… We have our winners!
AIIC took part in the prestigious Australian Mathematics Competition (AMC) 2013. This competition provides challenge to the students in the style of problems in the real world that they can relate to. Apart from testing their underlying knowledge in mathematics, the students are asked to respond to situations which might be new. The following students […]
ICQ Quran Competition Winners
On the 19th of May 2013 our students from AIIC participated in Islamic Council of Queensland’s, 2013 Annual Quran Competition.
Family Fun Night
On the evening of Saturday 15th June 2013, the Australian International Islamic College held its annual Family Fun Night. The annual event is a chance for students, parents, teachers and members of the community to come and enjoy a meal together and catch up with friends and colleagues, both past and present.Alhamdulillah, this year our […]
RACI Titration Competition 2013
RACI Titration Competition 2013. The aim of the competition is to encourage students who enjoy Chemistry – especially practical Chemistry – and to recognise those who are becoming proficient. The Competition in Brisbane has been held annually since 1980, and since 1984 has been part of the Australian National Chemical Analysis Competition (as a Regional […]

11th Annual Quran Competition
The Annual Quran Competition On the 23rd and 24th of April, the Australian International Islamic College held its 11th Annual Quran Recitation Competition at the Durack campus. Alhamdulillah the Quran competition was a great success with 149 participants ranging from Prep to Year 12. The main aim for the Quran competition was to encourage students […]
Anzac Day – 2013
Anzac Day was commemorated on the 22nd of April at Australian International Islamic College. We had a wonderful crowd of parents, teachers and students at the AIIC Multipurpose Hall on the day. It was a beautiful day and all the students and staff at AIIC wore a poppy in remembrance of our lost ANZAC soldiers. […]
College Cricket Team
AIIC Durack School Cricket Team In March of this year, every afternoon The Boys School Cricket team is preparing for the Schools cricket Comp. The student are from year 7 to year 12. The Cricket Captain is Salim from Year 12. The Cricket Coach and organiser is Dr Islam. We often enjoy the company of […]

Harmony Day 2013
Australian International Islamic College Harmony Day 2013 On Wednesday, 21st March we celebrated Harmony Day at our college. It provided opportunities for the students to embrace the many things that make them special and to share those things they have in common. The students came in their traditional attire and brought traditional foods to share with […]
Multi Age Year2 to Year4
2011 has been a busy year of study, change and learning for the class of 2 to 4. Term 2, saw an excursion to the Currumbin Wildlife Sanctuary to find out about Australian animals and wildlife. This event was followed by the preparation and presentation of reports on what had been observed and learnt. Also […]
In the Name of Allah the Most Kind the Most Merciful
2011 has been a wonderful year in the Islamic department of our wonderful school. Apart from our normal Islamic curriculum, students were exposed to a world of Islamic knowledge through our daily ‘minute madrasah’ which took place after every Zuhur Salaah every day. Student’s hearts were filled with light and inspiration from stories of the […]
Arabic AN-AM-A-ZING Language
It has been a great pleasure to teach at the AIIC. Alhamdulillah I love the environment and most importantly all the students. I feel I have become more attached to these students. We have learnt so many things in Arabic starting with the Arabic alphabet and moved on to words. One of the roles that […]
Official Opening of Multipurpose Hall
On Monday 9th July a gathering of officials took place to formally open the college Multi-Purpose Hall. Bernie Ripoll MP – Federal Member for Oxley representing the Federal Education Minister, Mr Graham Perrett MP – Federal Member for Moreton, Mark Stewart MP – State Member for Sunnybank representing the Premier of Queensland, Councillor Angela-Owen Taylor […]
Jump Rope for Heart
On the 6th of June 2011 AIIC hosted the Jump Rope for Heart event in order to continue their support to the Heart Foundation. The latest is all about learning how to keep fit and healthy by promoting physical activity amongst students and raising money for people with cardiovascular diseases. Runcorn Primary State School’s demonstration […]
Harmony Day 2012
Assalamu ‘Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu. This week, on the 21st of March, we celebrated harmony day, a day that marks the unity of different cultures. Our students celebrated by wearing their traditional clothing, giving presentations, bringing in cultural food and by playing good ‘Picnic Games’. We started the day with a special ssembly which […]